Connecting Culture to Shape OUR Future



Kaartdijin Bidi – A Blended Culture & STEAM Learning Journey

Are you looking for unique and novel ways of teaching STEAM and Future Skills? What role does Culture play in the shaping of our future?

A collaboration project between South West Kinships and STEAM Engine Global that aims to create a connected world powered by intercultural understanding, open inquiry, technology and two-way learning.

By embedding cultural awareness into STEAM / future skills learning we can break down barriers and create a future where we celebrate differences and everyone feels welcome, valued and inspired in a world that is underpinned by technology. To do this we must all sit and listen deeply (NIH) to land, to people and come together as one.

Our learning journey (KAARTDIJIN BIDI) starts at dreamtime (KURA) with the traditional custodians of country across Australia, absorbing the culture and perspectives of ALL Australians along the way at the present time (YEYE) to co-create a future (BOORDA) of opportunity and belonging. A world where the creators of technology are representative of the community they serve.

 Leading with Arts, Humanities and Culture with focus on real-world problems we look at STEM through a different lens to create the STEAM required to power our future.

 Ideal for students aged eight to fifteen, and can be tailored for any age, community and learning level.

The Challenges and Desired Outcomes


Are your students inspired and ready for a digital world?

Many young people today feel overwhelmed and alienated when they think about their future and work. Some struggle to see the relevance and importance of STEM, STEAM or ICT subjects to them, their family and their community. This is exacerbated by the lack of cultural awareness in the learning environments and can lead to them losing interest or dropping out of subjects that we know are essential for any job, right now (YEYE) and in the future (BOORDA).


Do your educators have the resources & support they need?

Many teachers feel ill equipped for delivering STEM, STEAM or ICT learning that delivers positive outcomes for students and the school.

Some of the key challenges they face:

  • not enough time to explore and find appropriate resources & programs
  • don’t feel they have the right skills and support to teach STEM / STEAM / ICT
  • limited or no access to mentors & peers to upskill or side-skill
  • struggle to incorporate culture into skills of the future


Imagine a world where everyone feels welcome, valued & inspired

A world where we celebrate differences, value culture and connection, and the creators of technology are representative of the community we serve.

This program inspires interest in STEM, STEAM and technologies by developing cultural awareness, intercultural understanding and observing the world through a cultural lens to bring in all aspects of past, present and emerging culture.

The program can be tailored for any school, age or group, and is ideal for schools that are about to embark on cultural awareness or STEAM education journeys. Can be run in class or as after or before school programs.

Cultural Immersions

To make sure we create lasting connections and understand the impact of culture for our past, present and future (KURA – YEYE – BOORDA), our programs kick off with a cultural immersion for everyone who will be involved in the program. 

The Cultural Immersions are led by respected community leader and inspirational social change agent, Sharon Wood-Kenney, for South West Kinships Cultural ImmersionsTM.

Sharon Wood-Kenney is a proud Noongar Yamatji woman with family ties across Whadjak Country. She is a strong advocate for disruption thinking, challenging non-functioning systems and cross-cultural awareness. 

Cultural Immersions are about bringing people on this journey together respectfully with the aim of co-designing immediate, real, and positive social impact, to strengthen community. 

How it Works


This program injects Cultural Immersions by South West Kinships into the STEAMpunk Adventures framework by STEAM Engine Global, creating a wonderful environment for inspiring youth to develop research skills, learn about history, engage in collaboration, and gain other essential skills for 21st century learning. We build new skills, confidence, shared language, collaborative relationships and entrepreneurial mindsets.

By integrating cultural awareness and guiding participants through a Design Thinking process, we provide integrated, differentiated learning that is aligned with curriculum without the extra work. The guided journey from dreamtime to current day and beyond absorbs the perspectives and cultures of all Australians. We learn how to apply skills such as storytelling, connection to country and intercultural understanding to explore real-world problems in a digital world. Students will create a “future product” incorporating culture and STEAM and will showcase their design and teamwork.

Tailored for you

We work with your teachers to tailor the programs for your school and personalise the experience for each student. The program includes:


  • Training for teachers and school leadership on cultural awareness and program

Sample 8 session program

  • 1 x Cultural Immersion for students and teachers to develop cultural awareness that can shape solutions in a digital world (2 hours – half day)
  • 6 x Guided activities underpinned by design thinking (1-2 hours each)
  • 6 x Online Teacher drop-ins with group coaching & mentoring (1 hour each)
  • 1 x Half-way program check in for students and teachers (1 hour)
  • 1 x Project showcase event (2 hours)

Other resources / activities:

  • Online instructions and resources to support program delivery
  • Curriculum mapping template with recommendations for year groups
  • Annual event to showcase collaborative projects across schools

Can be teacher led or facilitated by program creators and tailored for any duration.

Why STEAMpunk?

STEAMpunk is an inspired movement of creativity and imagination, where people use clothing, props and technology in novel and original ways. It invites images of the Victorian era and the Wild West, ideas of fascinating machines and fanciful costumes, etiquette and wit, playfulness and adventure.

It is a wonderful backdrop for inspiring youth to develop research skills, learn about history, engage in collaboration, and gain numerous other essential skills for 21st century learning.

STEAMpunk incorporates ideas such as retro-futurism and anachronisms. It imagines certain discoveries never happened and impossible or  unknown inventions exist. It dresses up gadgets and makes them fashionable, it runs with illogical designs, and invites creativity and play. Technology as we know it progresses in a logical way, with each discovery building on previous discoveries. But what would happen if something changed – what would the impact be on future discoveries and events?

Books and movies have expanded on these ideas, with a fascination in machines, gadgets and weaponry, that are innovative, creative and out of this world! These classics include The Golden Compass, Back to the Future, BladeRunner, Dr. Who, Studio Ghibli films, and Around the World in 80 Days, by Jules Verne. Verne’s novels are often called the earliest versions of STEAMpunk literature. They imagine different pasts and futures than the ones we have experienced. They contain a spirit of discovery and adventure, with an individualistic “can-do” attitude, and a belief that anyone can do anything with enough science and nerve. 

By playing with these ideas, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of technology, learning about cause and effect, and adding creativity and imagination, we will have a fun and accessible journey of learning and discovery. We will offer opportunities to see the benefits and shortcomings of technology and create innovative solutions that harness the best qualities in humans and technology, through inventive projects, daily check-ins, and powerful questions to stimulate ideas. We will be the heros in our own STEAMpunk adventure!

There are unlimited possibilities for creating new futures, innovative technologies and funky fashions while learning important skills for 21st century learning.


If you want to find out more about our programs and how we work with educators and community leaders to tailor the program for your students, learning levels and ages, you register your interest now, send us an email for more details, or book an exploratory meeting.


Find out more


If you need some more information before you make up your mind, let’s start with a conversation.

Contact Info

Perth, Western Australia